The "Collection"
"The Collection" is a 60-minute performance focusing on the importance of INCLUSION.
Most of us have a collection of some sort. Why? Because collecting is fun! Ooch has a collection - a collection of yo-yos. And what makes his collection so great? The variety. Of Ooch's giant yo-yo collection he highlights 5 of his most special yo-yos in this show. Each yo-yo has a story and more importantly, each yo-yo has striking similarities to each of his real life friends. Hey, we collect friends, too, don't we? And that's what this show is about - adding to our collection of friends.
Throughout the show, Ooch helps his audience understand why it's so important to include others in our lives, especially those who get left out from time to time. Like yo-yos themselves, you have to take people for a spin before you can decide if they're right for you or not. As Ooch demonstrates, it's impossible to know whether a yo-yo plays well until he actually TRIES it. Every yo-yo and every person is worth a try!
By the end of the show kids will be looking at their peers in a different light - as potential NEW friends that someday might be added to their "collection."
Recommended ages for this show: K - 6th grades
This show takes the students on a journey towards self-confidence and self-expression through Ooch's personal stories of being bullied.
The show's focus is on the great power each student can develop by using his or her own unique qualities and talents, i.e., "SuperPOWERS, as Ooch calls them. These newfound "powers" are then applied to common bullying scenarios. Ooch draws parallels to the attributes of superheroes, and leaves his audience feeling "super. Just as Superman is bullet-proof, Ooch's audience learns to become "WORD-proof".
The Super-POWER Show focuses on:
The definition of bullying
How to realize when we are being a bully
Why we get bullied
What to do during and after we've been bullied
What to do to stop bullying
The power of the bystander
The importance of reporting the incident directly after it happens